Wednesday 29 September 2010

Baby Dominik

I and my friend Nadia got invited by Andrea (Hakeem’s teacher) to visit her newborn baby at her home. We went straight after sending kids to school. It has been three months I’ve not seen Andrea at school and now she is with her new member in the family.

She got a baby boy name – Dominik Stefan Dzideczek who is now about seven weeks old! The baby looks so cute and just exactly like the mother – with blue eyes and golden hair. I got for the little one swim pants and sun hat as Andrea already plan to bring him for swimming when he is 3 months.

We were there for the half day. Gosh.. Andrea just got lots of things to tell us. It was a long story journey of her life from the beginning to the end till she got Dominik. I am so happy for her.

I hope one day Hakeem will be able to see Dominik.

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