Saturday 11 September 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

Today is Raya!! I woke up as early as 5am cooked nasi briyani – our old time favorite when my mom was still around. We used to have this every raya. This is my first time celebrating raya, I mean first day of raya in Kedah since almost 10 years ago. I am really looking forward especially when all my brothers too are here back in Kedah.

In the morning after solat raya, all of us went to ziarah my mom’s kubur. The place was very crowded and meriah sungguh. I was bit frustrated as I couldn’t visit the kubur (women’s reason)so just stay at the wakaf and looked from far.

After kubur was the sesi salam menyalam and kasi duit raya.. So it started from me till my youngest bro salam raya with our parents. Then my turn, my brothers yang banyak dosa salam raya with me.. hehehehhe.. After that it followed one by one of my brothers and the nephews and nieces. Bab nak kasi duit raya semua mukadimah masing2 tu yg tak leh tahan..

We received non-stop visitors till night who mostly were my bro’s friend. Habis licin my nasi briyani.. This year my dad is very happy as he has all the children and the grand children around. Except hubby is not around.. warrghhhh… All of us really miss him..

Selamat Hari Raya to everybody and Maaf Dzahir Batin.

1 comment:

AzKomputer said...

Selamat Hari Raya...