I love to drink teh ais n very choosy in selecting shops that sell this particular drink. So when I see this stall I was saying to myself it couldn’t be that good. And I was wrong. The teh ais was really ‘kau’. According to my bro, this place was so famous and this pakcik really made money selling drinks only. He can easily made RM1k a day. Unbelievable right? But to be honest the teh ais memang sedap… memang kau…
Later on we proceeded to Bukit Kayu Hitam Immigration then to Danok. I’ve not been there for so long. We normally go to Hadnyai n just passed by this town along our journey. But after the bombing we had stopped going to Hadnyai for 2 years or else it will always be our yearly vacation destination.
Nowadays Danok town seems not to be so lively as before. Not so many shops opened n not so many people as well. My dad n bro as usual had a foot massage while me n kids went on for shopping. Not so many choices but the kids seem to enjoy the place. One thing that they couldn’t stand was the weather. It was so very hot n Nadira was almost fainted.
Ayah punya gambar manicure mana?nak gak tengok...
ada setengah2 gamba kena censored tu!! bahaya.. hhehehehehe
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