Monday 1 September 2008

Ramadhan Kareem

Ramadhan has always been the month that every Muslim in the world waiting for. It is a pleasure for me to finally have a chance to celebrate this year ramadhan in Malaysia. This is the moment that I’ve been waiting for. Every time when ramadhan comes, the memories n incidents occurred during this month will flashed back in our mind.

Everybody has their own memories of ramadhan from childhood, zaman2 bujang till we got married n have family. As for me, those memories are still fresh on my mind. When I was abroad, I was so excited n eager to celebrate ramadhan here. One of the reasons is because of the pasar ramadhan which selling various kinds of temptation foods that u cannot find elsewhere abroad. Another reason is because I can have my Iftar with my parent n relatives.

Nevertheless sometimes things that we wanted doesn’t always come in ‘package’. I can anytime go to Pasar Ramadhan, enjoying myself with the foods, but I am alone here. So the temptation n excitement won’t be the same if I have my hubby n children around. I would love to go back to my parent’s house n have my mom cook all the requested n special dishes for me, but she is not there anymore to do all that for me.

Even so I am sad when think about it, but I am glad n blessed that I can still be able to have my Ramadhan here.

To all my friends staying abroad, Selamat Berpuasa. I am sure you all now have started busy planning kuih muih, lauk pauk n also the schedule for rumah mana nak Iftar. This year I ‘cuci tangan’ takyah susah payah buat kuih. Beli je kalau teringin. But I know the thrill won’t be the same.

I wish everybody a blessed Ramadhan. May Allah S.W.T. bless all of you.

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