Tuesday 5 January 2010

Back To Routine

After almost a month break my children starts their school yesterday. For the last couple weeks we had visitors coming over on and on. Dinie and Liana were here since last Wednesday. Faizah also was here since our holiday at Penang. Now all of them have gone back. The house that used to be full with laughter n kids running around now is quiet.

My children have started their 2nd school term yesterday. Nabila & Hakeem were having bit difficulty to wake up where else Nadira was up early by herself excitedly to go to school. Once Nabila, Hakeem reached the school they were happy to see their friends.

Nabila told me last night that she was so pleased to see her friends. They were talking about where they were going during their holiday.

As for me this means I am back on my routine. Sending/picking them to/from school. Yesterday my whole day was occupied at school n meeting friends. This morning I went to market n unfortunately there were not so many fish sold. When asked they said now bulan cerah n all the fish seems to hide at the bottom of the sea.

Anyway fish or no fish I still have to buy something for the house. Today I plan to cook asam pedas n lala. I got a packet of fresh lala which cost RM9. Mahal kan.. it was not even 1kg. There was only one stall that sell lots of fish n if they were to ketuk us also I don’t know..

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