Tuesday 11 September 2007

Busy, busy, busy

This last few days has been my very very busy day. I just managed to hook up to the internet for a while at late night to check my email. The rest of my days are full with activities.

It started with sending kids to school, doing groceries n not to mention house chores (ooohh.. that never stop!). Yesterday I had coffee morning with all moms from my daughter's class. Get to know session..

Tonight I just came back from my kid's school attending parents meeting teacher evening. I have kids from primary n senior school n I have to be there from 5.00pm - 8.15pm.
Rushing back home n seeing my daughter still waiting for me. Not wanted to sleep until I am at home. Then I cooked special 'mee hailam' for dinner. I wanted to make acar buah for ramadhan but I guess I have to postpone it to tomorrow..

Very tired.. what a day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aduh...acar buah, the best in oman, some say in Yemen too!