Tuesday 17 January 2012

Happy New Year - 2012

Happy New Year to everyone. Hope it’s not too late for me to make a wish. As usual the same lame excuse - being very busy lately. Sometimes I am wondering where are all those my ‘passion’ in writing has gone? I got lots of things to tell and to share but it is always something that delays me to do it.

Well.. probably this new year of 2012 - the ‘resolution’ is to update my blog more frequently. Talking about ‘resolution’, I actually never believe in it. When I was young, I had a long list of resolutions. That was probably being influenced by people around me. Every year, I renewed my resolutions which some were actually being carry forward from previous years!

If you were to ask me – do I actually execute any of my resolutions? Some YES but many NOT! Hahahaha.. So that’s why I’ve decided not to have any. I would rather to have those resolutions at any time I wish with no dead line.

Anyway as new year comes, it means another year will be added to my years of life. I pray that this 2012 will give me and my family happiness, prosperous and good health.

Happy New Year again and lets pray this 2012 will be add more beauty and colorful into our life.

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