A 51-year-old British grandmother has married a 27-year-old son of Al-Qaida leader Osama bin
Laden after a holiday romance and is to apply for a visa so that he can visit Britain. Jane Felix-Browne, a parish councilor from Cheshire who has been married five times previously, met Omar bin Laden in Egypt in September while being treated for multiple sclerosis. According to a report in The Times , Browne, who now uses the Islamic name Zaina Mohamad, said that their fairytale romance began when her future husband saw her riding a horse near the Great Pyramid.
"I hope people don't judge me too harshly. I married the son, not the father." "I just married the man I met and fell in love with - to me he is just Omar," Browne said.
"I hope that people will take a step back and think what it was like when they fell in love. He is the most beautiful person I have ever met. His heart is pure, he is pious quiet, a true gentleman, and he is my best friend," Brown said.
She was aware before her marriage that her husband already had another wife and a two-year-old child. "I haven't seen her but I have spoken to her for about an hour on the telephone. She is fine about it," Browne said.
Browne said that the couple hoped to use their position to help to heal the wounds caused by her father-in-law. "All we want is peace in this world and I will do all I can to promote it." - THE TIMES
voguemom : how love can do wonders..